When In Napa...

Sunday, December 21, 2014

The morning started out as any typical Sunday morning would, "Where are we going for brunch?" After delving in on yelps search list for some new places to try, we ended up finding a yummy looking waffle spot. 

Just so you aren't confused, this is not the waffle spot. Half a mile until our destination we saw First Street and on First Street lies Gott's Roadside. We have never gone wrong with this locally sourced establishment. Napa is such a tranquil and welcoming city filled with locals and tourists alike. It's such an awe-inspiring city you will not even fill guilty or gluttonous when you stuff your face. 

Traveling Checklist!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

 the struggle is always real when I'm packing. I usually make a checklist in my notebook but I think this virtual one is a bit more fun. Plus, I spent too much time trying to figure out how to make this dang chart!

Hi, I'm Caela and I overpack. My friend told me to challenge myself and pack lightly for this trip... yea right. I usually only take week long trips home to Texas, this time around I'm adding two more. A girl needs options.

If you're wondering where my shoes are, they're in my duffle bag ridiculously stuffed. It's way too embarrassing to show. Luckily I'm staying with family so if I forget anything they most likely have it. Holla!


If you guys are traveling this holiday season be safe and I hope you can use that checklist I created as a good reference. Felices Fiestas!

xo, Cae

Super Easy DIY Frozen Yogurt

Friday, December 5, 2014

In the words of the ever so hilarious Tom and Donna, "Treat Yo Self!"

A lot of ice cream on the market contain empty calories so get into this nutrient-dense treat!

fiber, B6, potassium, protein, calcium, and vitamin C are all of the main nutrients you will receive from this recipe. 

1 cup of frozen strawberries
1 1/2 frozen bananas
6 oz. greek yogurt
blend, blend, blend.

mm hm, go ahead and gawk over it.
cover & freeze.

enjoy y'all!
You can absolutely use whatever fruit that your heart desires. 
If you try this out, let me know!