My last relaxer was November 12, 2009 and I did my big chop on September 6, 2010. I remember when I first moved out here to the West Coast I was so bored with my hair and was SICK & TIRED of spending money on hair. I was sick of my hair growing and breaking. I was sick of the same 2 hairstyles I wore. I don't know what inspired me to look up natural hair online but when I did, YouTube had so much information. Most of the women who inspired me in the first place on YouTube have closed their accounts but Carla "ChiselleCouture" was my favorite, inspirational in every aspect!
MY transition excitement was very short-lived, but in the beginning I was the ultimate product and accessory junkie. As corny as it sounds it was kind of life changing for me at that time. I had NEVER seen my hair in it's natural state because from what I was told I got a relaxer at the age of two. I had no clue how thick or thin it would be, if it would actually grow, or if I would know how to make myself look cute.
10 months of transitioning and in my cousins bedroom late at night (so no one would know) we started cutting my hair, lol. People reacted differently but at the end of the day it's MY hair and I was happy with the decision I made.
A FewTransitioning Styles
Perm Rod Sets
Box Braids/Senegalese Twists
Bantu Knots
Braid Outs
sidenote: While transitioning take the time out to do some research about natural hair. I wasn't used to my hair constantly needing moisture so sadly I struggled with it up until a few months ago. Find out what your hair likes, for some it will take time but once you find out it will make everything seem so simple.
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